Deaf Friendly

Interpreting Service LLC

Thank you for being part of the Deaf Friendly Interpreting Service family.  

As you probably know, we’ve worked very hard to keep and maintain a list of sign language interpreters on hand, but at this time, since our interpreters are either retiring or unavailable, we are regrettably unable to meet your communication accessibility needs. 

Thus, we are shutting down our business for the time being.  

We encourage you to seek out other agencies such as Arizona Freelance Interpreting Service, Community Outreach Program for the Deaf, and Open Doors Interpreting

Again, while we are unable to assist you further, we thank you and appreciate your patronage in the past.

Mike Crago, 

Sole Member

Deaf Friendly Interpreting Service LLC

Formerly Live Interpreter, Inc.  

© 2010 Deaf Friendly Interpreting Service, LLC. All rights reserved.